Fiscal year: July 1 – June 30
Current mil rate: 12.60 Interest is 8.5%
2 tax payments: 1st installment due Nov. 30, 2024; 2nd installment due: March 31, 2025. There are no discounts for early payment of taxes.
Real Estate Commitment Book
Personal Property Commitment Book
The State of Maine offers a few options to obtain discounts on your property taxes. Please click on the links below to access the forms that you must complete and submit to the Town of Whiting Tax Assessor to determine if you qualify for a discount.
Homestead Exemption Blind Person Tax Exemption Form
Veterans Exemption Form Paraplegic Veterans Exemption Form
Veterans Exemption Bulletin 7
RJD Appraisals
Ellery Bane, Agent
Page information updated last on 10.18.2024