Building Permit
To provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public through the regulation of construction, relocation, replacement, and alteration of building. Read more>>
The purpose of this ordinance is to provide adequate controls to ensure that junkyards, automobile graveyards, and automobile recycling businesses do not have a deleterious impact on the public’s health, safety, and general welfare and to further ensure that persons who meet the definition of owner or operator of junkyards, automobile graveyards, and automobile recycling businesses without intent also comply with the requirements of this ordinance and in compliance with Comprehensive Plan. Read more>>
Real Estate Addressing
The purpose of this ordinance is to enhance the easy and rapid location of real properties by fire, rescue, emergency medical service and law enforcement personal in the Town of Whiting. Read More>>
The purpose of this Ordinance shall be to promote the general health and welfare of the Town of Whiting; to assure, in general, the wise development of areas in harmony with the comprehensive plan of the community; to assure proper arrangement and coordination of streets and ways within a subdivision in relation to other or planned streets; to assure provision of adequate streets and utilities by the sub-divider; to prevent unsound or unsafe development of land by reason of the lack of water supply, drainage, sewage, disposal, transportation or other public services and to promote the amenities of the Town through provisions for parks , playgrounds, and other recreation areas, preservation of trees and natural features in the Town of Whiting.Read More>>
Sludge and Residual Materials
The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the Town of Whiting by regulating effects of commercial practices in conversion or utilization of sewage sludge, lumbering and lumber-mill wastes, fish by-products, and similar materials.
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